My two year old had his first ever doctors trip today. The poor boy had a fever that just wouldn't budge, so we decided it was time to head down to the clinic. I explained to him that we were going to see a doctor who was going to take his temperature just like Mummy did, and would help to make him all better. He accepted this new adventure with a bleary eyed sniffle, and off we went.
The first 15 minutes in the waiting room went really well - there was a toy box, some lovely ladies who had plenty of smiles for Mr. Two, and a fan (my boy is obsessed with fans). But before long, my poor sick bubba had just had enough. The next half hour was spent walking laps around the clinic with a very hot, very sick, loudly screaming little boy.
One tactic to cheer up my miserable little monkey was to flip through some magazines pointing out all the pictures he would usually like. No luck, but I did flip past an article on gluten free living, and it got me thinking that a collection of gluten free toddler snacks might be a good idea.
We eventually saw the doctor, and Mr. Two seemed relieved that finally we had arrived to meet this mysterious "doctor". Until the doc went to check his temperature and look in his ears - then doc got told off, good and proper!
The little guy's misery was caused by an ear infection, and he's currently curled up in bed soundly sleeping while the antibiotics start to do their thing. He'll be back to his usual cheeky self in no time.
So here we have it, eight healthy, simple, and gluten free toddler snacks! Numbers 1 and 7 were definitely my favourites!

1. These tasty Flourless Choc-Nut Mini Muffins have a delicious fudgey texture and are made using just four ingredients.

2. Try out these easy three ingredient Banana Coconut Pancakes for a quick and healthy toddler snack.

3. My two year old just loves these Crunchy Roasted Chickpeas with a sprinkle of pepper.

4. Chicken and avocado are a perfect combo! Try out these quick and easy Chicken Avocado Bites for a tasty bite sized toddler snack.

5. If you have a spare few minutes and a food processor, whip up a quick batch of these incredible Three Ingredient No-Bake Apricot Bars. They are a perfect healthy snack to grab on your way out the door.

6. These sweet three ingredient Mandarin Coconut Drops are so easy to make and taste amazing.

7. You won't be able to stop eating these delicious Banana Peanut Butter Balls - make enough for the whole family, not just your toddler!

8. These nutritious Fruit and Nut Snack Balls are made using just four ingredients and they taste great!