Use a natural greek yoghurt with your toddler's cereal instead of milk. It has the digestive benefits of probiotics, a little extra calcium, and makes it much easier to eat by sticking to the spoon. Top with a sprinkle of fruit, nuts or berries for a tasty, nutritious breakfast!
Some breakfast cereal ideas are: crushed weetbix, wholegrain cheerios, and rolled oats.
You will often see yoghurts advertised as being "probiotic" which means they contain live bacterial organisms which have a beneficial effect on the balance of good bacteria in our digestive systems. Not all yoghurts are probiotic, check the label before buying to ensure that it contains live and active cultures.
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If your toddler is at the stage where they want to help with everything, have them help out with safe parts of cooking such as rinsing vegetables or mixing ingredients. This encourages a good relationship with food and home cooking.