These simple paints can be made from either greek yoghurt or double cream. Put your toddler in an empty bath tub with a couple of colours and let them go nuts painting on the sides of the tub! Easy to clean up, let em get as messy as they want.
For an extra sensory experience, add in a few drops of various flavours such as vanilla essence or almond essence. Or maybe a sprinkle of cinnamon powder.
Use small bowls to combine ingredients together until colours are evenly mixed through.
You will often see yoghurts advertised as being "probiotic" which means they contain live bacterial organisms which have a beneficial effect on the balance of good bacteria in our digestive systems. Not all yoghurts are probiotic, check the label before buying to ensure that it contains live and active cultures.
Try to minimize distractions at meal times. Turn off the TV, take toys away from the table, etc. Toddlers are very easily sidetracked and will find it difficult to sit still and eat while so many other things are going on.