Take a cup or small bowl and add a spoonful of greek yoghurt to the bottom. Add a layer of crushed weetbix, then some sliced banana.
Continue layering in this order until it's full and top with a sprinkle of weetbix and some banana.
Bananas are a fantastic ingredient in toddler cooking, as they are a healthy way of sweetening any recipe without adding refined sugar. Mashed banana can also be used in place of butter or oil to keep cakes and muffins moist.
You will often see yoghurts advertised as being "probiotic" which means they contain live bacterial organisms which have a beneficial effect on the balance of good bacteria in our digestive systems. Not all yoghurts are probiotic, check the label before buying to ensure that it contains live and active cultures.
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Try offering food in small containers and bags instead of on a plate. Many toddlers enjoy picking food out of things because it challenges their tiny fingers. Zip lock sandwich bags are an easy option. Some foods you could try are corn kernels, sultanas and diced cucumber.