Melon Teddies

Melon Teddies
A fun and simple way to serve melon to your kids!

These refreshing melon teddies are made using a teddy-shaped cookie cutter. You can use any shaped cutter you like to create this colourful snack.

I used watermelon and rockmelon to make these teddies, but any variety of melon should work fine.

Melon teddies would work great as a lunchbox snack, or if you pop them in the freezer they make excellent snacks for the summer.


  • Slices of melon, about 1cm thick


Cut your melon into a few slices, about 1cm thick.

Use your cookie cutter to gently cut out shapes in the melon.

Carefully break away the extra melon from around the cookie cutter, then pop the shape out from the cutter onto a plate.

You could also freeze the melon teddies for a healthy summer snack.



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